Dedicated Antique Truck Shows
What set's us Apart..

Sometimes it seems like classic cars get all the love. Guys -- especially guys of a certain age with money to burn -- will be more than happy to bend your ear about all the time and expense they've poured into restoring some beat-up old jalopy that was moldering in some old lady's backyard since her second husband died (and she's on her fifth now).
For those who want the professional touch but who don't have the time to put into it themselves, there's no shortage of options for everything from a quick and cheap paint job to a full-scale restoration of everything from the engine to the upholstery.
But where's the love if you're a truck person? You'll hear plenty about meet ups and rallies even for owners of cars that nobody liked in the first place, but you don't hear nearly as much about truck restoration, or the culture that surrounds classic and antique trucks. Trust us, there is one, and it's alive and well. And if you wanted, or needed, proof, you need look no further than the American Truck Historical Society, also known by its initials, the ATHS.
The ATHS recognizes that the history of motor truck transportation in the United States is as rich as it is long. To that end, their mission "is to collect artifacts, information, photographs, and other relevant materials pertaining to the origin, development, and progress of the motor truck transportation industry," and, while serving as a repository for all of this truck-related ephemera, to also display it to the public for educational purposes. In this way, they're more than just an organization about the collection of classic trucks (though the reason they'd appeal to antique truck aficionados is obvious); instead, they seek to place the history of trucking firmly in the broader context of American history.
For those who want the professional touch but who don't have the time to put into it themselves, there's no shortage of options for everything from a quick and cheap paint job to a full-scale restoration of everything from the engine to the upholstery.
But where's the love if you're a truck person? You'll hear plenty about meet ups and rallies even for owners of cars that nobody liked in the first place, but you don't hear nearly as much about truck restoration, or the culture that surrounds classic and antique trucks. Trust us, there is one, and it's alive and well. And if you wanted, or needed, proof, you need look no further than the American Truck Historical Society, also known by its initials, the ATHS.
The ATHS recognizes that the history of motor truck transportation in the United States is as rich as it is long. To that end, their mission "is to collect artifacts, information, photographs, and other relevant materials pertaining to the origin, development, and progress of the motor truck transportation industry," and, while serving as a repository for all of this truck-related ephemera, to also display it to the public for educational purposes. In this way, they're more than just an organization about the collection of classic trucks (though the reason they'd appeal to antique truck aficionados is obvious); instead, they seek to place the history of trucking firmly in the broader context of American history.
The American Truck Historical Society was incorporated in 1971, with the goal of preserving the history of trucks, the trucking industry, and its pioneers. A short time later, they would merge with the United States Truck Historical Society, and the resulting organization would be officially recognized by the American Trucking Association as the “duly authorized organization founded to record and develop trucking industry historical data.” What began as an organization with only a handful of members today boasts more than 20,000.
The American Truck Historical Society hosts an antique truck that show has been a highlight of the year for many antique truck fans since the first one was put on in 1980. In keeping with the organization's educational mission, it has opened the Zoe James Memorial Library, which houses over 100,000 photographs, plus thousands of other pieces of ephemera, like sales literature, books, periodicals and scale model trucks.
ATHS makes two publications available to its members, the bimonthly Wheels of Time, and the annual special Show Time. The former is a collection of photos of, and articles on, antique trucks and trucking companies. The latter is a showcase for the annual National Antique Truck Show, including information on show events and attendees. Both publications encourage member contributions, and that discussion continues on -- or, if you'd rather, spills over into -- the organization's website discussion forum. It's a lively and friendly place with plenty of truck talk (and a bit else besides).
The American Truck Historical Society hosts an antique truck that show has been a highlight of the year for many antique truck fans since the first one was put on in 1980. In keeping with the organization's educational mission, it has opened the Zoe James Memorial Library, which houses over 100,000 photographs, plus thousands of other pieces of ephemera, like sales literature, books, periodicals and scale model trucks.
ATHS makes two publications available to its members, the bimonthly Wheels of Time, and the annual special Show Time. The former is a collection of photos of, and articles on, antique trucks and trucking companies. The latter is a showcase for the annual National Antique Truck Show, including information on show events and attendees. Both publications encourage member contributions, and that discussion continues on -- or, if you'd rather, spills over into -- the organization's website discussion forum. It's a lively and friendly place with plenty of truck talk (and a bit else besides).
If you needed more proof that historic trucks are a big deal, consider this: the American Truck Historical Society has outgrown the "American" in its name. As of now, there are four chapters outside the United States, in Alberta, British Columbia, and Vancouver Island (Canada) plus one in Australia. There are also
unaffiliated members in 23 countries. Classic trucks played a big part in building the world we live in, so it's hardly surprising that the interest in them runs as deep as it does (and in so many places).
A lot has changed over the years. Trucks have evolved from primitive one cylinder chain-drive models to behemoths capable of hauling scores of tons of machinery and material. Many early truck manufacturers have been absorbed in mergers (as happened with White, Autocar, International and many others), while others have simply ceased to exist, like Brockway and Sterling. The trucks of bygone days may not have the hipster cachet of a Mustang or a Shelby Cobra, but their muscle and durability made them as beloved to their owners (and generations of collectors since) as they've been vital in the building of America. The American Truck Historical Society has contributed greatly to remembering and appreciating the roles played by these trucks in our history.